Consulting + Tips/Tricks

With five minutes of your time, combined with five minutes of ours, we can have a five minute conversation.  Give us five then hang up, we probably will too, you know, things popular people have to go do and such.

24/7 ish contact AND text message support

Send us a photo of the problem.  We'll panic, call for help, and then give you our best guess as to a resolution.  We're always pretty much available.

Everything else

We are associated with and have partnered with a few choice local contractors for the things that require the next level of expertise.  We specialize in making your life at least a tiny bit better.


Webcenter Integration

We have people who know people who are people, making it possible to exchange currency for the service of running your marketing, social media and website on autopilot.

We can change, if we have to, we guess

The times are changing.  So are we.  In our brief history we've changed the text in this paragraph twice, well, three times .. or.. well, moral of the story, we're always trying to get better.


We're hoping you find one thing useful here..

... but it might not be this blog.  We're experimenting with automation, and, well, the robots are still learning proper phonetics.  Please send us feedback on the off-chance that we don't catch the mistakes.  We like correcting things.